Rishi Valmiki Eco School

How can you get involved?

Make a donation

We have to raise funds to keep providing quality education to our champs. You can help us by making monetary and in-kind donations to us.

Partner with us

Through education, we work on various aspects of social welfare. If you can support and collaborate in anyway, you’re most welcome.

Become a RVES Sarathi (सारथी)

You can even help taking the noble cause a step ahead. Be our torchbearer and work towards a valued goal.

Become a teacher

Our work environment ensures that the children get the best, and when children get the best, it means a lot of happy teachers.

Volunteer with us

You can volunteer with us and help us through your skills and expertise. We assure it will be an insightful experience for you as well.

Intern with us

You can take up an internship and be on the ground to understand the working of an education institution and learn amazing things in the process. 

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