The 360 degree programme
When we talk about child development as a whole that means intellectual, physical and emotional development too.Programme 360 degree focuses on the all-round development of the child focusing on three important areas – academics & remedial education, co-curricular activities, peer learning, life skills & value education.
We have transformed each lesson of the textbook into experiential and story-based teaching module. Each topic includes activities which will cater to all three types of learners - auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. We believe competition of the child is with oneself and not with others. To encourage children we conduct exams in an experiential way too. We do not only stick to written exam but children get to do hands on activities based on the concepts. Also group projects are given to children and they are encouraged to present the projects. Grades are given based on these activities, projects and written exam. Such interesting ways of exams encourage children to perform.

Remedial Education
Through the administration of the state-recognised Learning Disability Test, we assess students’ specific needs and tailor an individual response for the children with learning challenges. The programme includes one-to-one support to students & extra classes with specialist learning disability tutors.
Co-curricular activities develop children’s personality. At RVES we have football coaching, karate coaching, guitar classes, theatre and dance training. Sports make children physically strong and develop winning spirit in children. Theatre and dance, guitar training develops confidence, speech and leadership. These co curricular activities also bring immense happiness in children and interest for schooling.

Life Skills & Value Education
Educated person should be empathetic human being and to create such human beings school plays important role. Emotional quotient is equally important as intelligent quotient. At RVES we emphasise on developing emotional quotient. Weekly Life skill lectures are conducted for grade 5 to grade 9. Children are sensitised to the topics like gender equality, religious equality, caste discrimination. We want our children to be grow up as empathetic human beings who are empathetic towards nature and other human beings regardless of gender, religion and caste.
Peer Learning
Children learn from peers much faster. We focus on peer learning also because older students become mentors for younger children. They look up to their seniors as role models. We encourage our students from secondary section (grade 5 to 9) to conduct environment education classes of primary section. This methodology successfully serves many objectives like building leadership and mentorship qualities, building self-confidence, creating strong foundation of the nature education concepts in older students through revisions, creating comradeship and unity among students at different educational levels.